Research Contributions

Below you can find a  recency-sorted list of articles that I have written with the help of amazing coauthors.

Contact: [email protected]


Mental Capabilities, Trading Styles, and Asset Market Bubbles: Theory and Experiment (with S. Heinke and F. Schneider, 2024, conditionally accepted, The Economic Journal) (PDF

Preferences, Confusion and Competition (with S. Liu and A. Schmutzler, The Economic Journal, 2021)

Targeted Information and Limited Attention (with S. Liu, RAND Journal of Economics 51, 2020)

Supply function competition with asymmetric costs: Theory and Experiment (with Peiyao Shen, Economics Letters 178, 2019)

Limited Attention, Competition and Welfare (Journal of Economic Theory 178, 2018)

Does personalized information improve health plan choices when individuals are distracted? (with C. Kaufmann, T. Müller and S. Boes, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 149, 2018)

Equilibria in symmetric games: Theory and Applications (Theoretical Economics 12, 2017).

On the relationship between uniqueness and stability in sum-aggregative, symmetric and general differentiable games (Mathematical Social Sciences 80, 2016). 

Symmetric Stability in Symmetric Games (Theoretical Economics Letters 6, 2016) 

Spillovers in Sports Leagues with Promotion and Relegation (with H. Dietl, M. Grossmann, M. Lang, Scottish Journal of Political Economy 62, 2015)

A differentiable characterization of local contractions on Banach spaces, Fixed Point Theory and Applications 106,  2015.

On the economics of superabundant information and scarce attention (with S. Heinke), Economia 5, 2015. (PDF)

Papers in the Publication Process / Working Paper

Market Transparency and Competitiveness in a Multi-Unit Auction: An experimental Study (with P. Shen and R. Betz, 2021, revise and resubmit, EER)

Exploring Market Shares through Competitive Equilibrium: A Unified Framework (2023, revise and resubmit, IER)

A  Note on Symmetric Random Vectors with an Application to Discrete Choice (2023, revise and resubmit, Applied Probability Letters)

Chasing the Shadows of Success: Performance Visibility and the Evolution of Risk Taking (with S. Vogt, Ch. Efferson and S. Ehret, 2020)

Competitive Attention, Entry and Market Concentration (with J. Lareida, 2021) (PDF)

Information, Cognition and Choice: A Field Experiment (with P. Shen and Li King King, 2021) (PDF)

Digitized Choices: Price Filters or Monetary Competition for Attention? (2024, with Y. Min)

Understanding the Distribution of Success in Experimental Contests through Proportional Reasoning (2024, with P. Shen)

It is not all about Agent Heterogeneity: On the Determinants of Market Inequality (with Julian Teichgraber, 2021) (PDF)

The Cognitive Anatomy of Market Bubbles: Experimental Insights into Market Composition Effects (2024, with S. Heinke and P. Shen)

Inequality effects in dynamic contests: Theory and Evidence (with M. Grossmann and P. Shen, 2021) (PDF)

Enhancing Cooperation in an Uncertain World with Extreme Risks (2023, with P.Shen and S. Schweitzer)

Attention and Performance (with E. Fehr, T. Müller and P. Shen) 

When the Envious Chase the Lucky: The effects of Social Comparison on risk attitudes (with S. Vogt and Ch. Efferson)

When the Envious Chase the Lucky: The Effects of Social Comparison on Risk Attitudes (2018, with S. Vogt and C. Efferson)

Labor Allocation, Financial Intermediation and Growth: Theory and Evidence (2020, with L. Khabibulina)